

To understand Ramadan means to understand the religion of Islam.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world with over 1.8 billion followers.

Although the religion does get a bad rep in the media it is truly a peaceful religion and serves a beautiful way of life.

Islam was the last on the five major world to be founded. Founded at the start of the 7th century in Saudi Arabia(according to most historians), Islam was founded by Allah's messenger, Muhammed pbum (pbum is an abbreviation for peace be upon him).

It is pertinent to note that, messenger of God should not be used interchangeably with son of God.

Islam consists of the five pillars of Islam.

  1. The Profession of Faith-The Shahada
  2. Daily Prayers-Salat
  3. Alms Giving-Zakat
  4. Fasting During Ramadan-Saum
  5. PIlgrimage to Mecca-Hajj

One of the pillars if fasting during the month of Ramadan so its immence importance can be seen.

During Ramadan was when the Quran was revealed. Many are quick to segregate Islam with other major world religions, but it goes unnoticed by them that the major world religions are connected and share much in common.

Abrahamic Religions

The Abrahamic faiths, that is: Islam, Christianity and Judaism share many commonalities such as shared narrative of prophetic stories, common divine laws, and theological belief in the oneness of God.

An issue that must be adressed is that of the self-claimed "Islamic State." These people are not at all Muslims and do not portary devotion to God. They are twisted extremists, murders, rapists that live off of harming the world around them.

It is alwys important to keep in mind that not a single religion in the world tries to impose anything that is considdered wrong. The media is quick to slash on a headline for views and ratings, but what is portrayed is not always true. You must do your research!